How To Pack Plates For Moving | Adios Moving LLC

by Apr 7, 2023Uncategorized0 comments

Introduction: The Importance of Properly Packing Plates for Moving

When moving to a new home, the safety of your belongings is paramount. Fragile items like plates require meticulous packing to ensure they arrive unscathed. In this article, we will explore the best practices for packing plates and provide you with a comprehensive guide to make your move smooth and stress-free.

The Right Supplies for Packing Plates

Choosing the right packing materials

The first step in ensuring the safety of your plates is selecting appropriate packing materials. Corrugated cardboard boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap are essential for providing protection and cushioning during transit. For extra protection, consider using dish packs or dish barrel boxes designed specifically for fragile items like dishes and glassware.

Essential packing tools for a smooth move

In addition to the materials, having the right tools on hand will make packing more efficient. A tape gun, packing tape, scissors, and a permanent marker are indispensable for sealing and labeling boxes, while foam or styrofoam plate separators can provide extra cushioning between items.

The Art of Bubble Wrapping Plates

Mastering the bubble wrap technique

Bubble wrap is an excellent cushioning material that can be used to protect plates during transit. Begin by cutting a piece of bubble wrap large enough to cover the entire plate. Place the plate in the center of the wrap, and fold the edges over the item, securing them with packing tape. For added protection, wrap each plate individually and ensure the bubbles face outward, as this provides better shock absorption.

Ensuring the plates are fully protected

When using bubble wrap, it’s crucial to cover the entire surface of the plate, including the edges, to provide maximum protection. Additionally, make sure to use ample layers of bubble wrap for heavier or more delicate items.

Packing Plates Using Packing Paper

Selecting the right type of packing paper

Packing paper, unlike newspapers, is free of ink and is specifically designed for wrapping fragile items. Choose a high-quality, unprinted packing paper to prevent ink stains and provide ample protection for your plates.

Folding and wrapping techniques for optimal protection

Start by placing a sheet of packing paper on a flat surface, then place the plate in the center. Fold the edges of the paper over the plate, making sure to cover the entire surface. Use additional sheets of paper for extra protection or for larger, heavier plates. Finally, secure the wrapped plate with packing tape.

Layering Plates with Cardboard Dividers

Benefits of using cardboard dividers

Cardboard dividers provide an extra layer of protection between plates, reducing the risk of scratches and breakage. They also help to maintain the structure of the stack, preventing plates from shifting during transit.

How to cut and insert dividers for maximum support

Measure the diameter of your plates, then cut a piece of cardboard slightly larger than the measurement. Place the cardboard between each wrapped plate, ensuring the edges align for optimal support. This technique is particularly useful for fragile items like stemware and glass casserole dishes.

The Sturdy Moving Box: Your Plates’ New Home

Choosing the ideal moving box size

Select a moving box that can comfortably accommodate the size and quantity of plates you’re packing. An average moving box should be sufficient for most dishes, but if you have a large collection of plates, consider using dish packs or dish barrel boxes designed specifically for moving dishes.

Reinforcing the box for added security

Before placing your plates in the box, reinforce the bottom with multiple layers of packing tape. This added security will prevent the box from collapsing under the weight of the plates.

Preparing the Moving Box for Plate Packing

Creating a cushioned base layer

To create a cushioned base layer, crumple packing paper and place it at the bottom of the box. This layer will act as a protective barrier and absorb any shock during transit. For extra cushioning, you can also use shredded paper or bubble wrap as an alternative to paper materials.

Organizing your packing supplies

Having all your packing supplies within reach will make the packing process more efficient. Lay out your packing paper, bubble wrap, tape, and cardboard dividers so you can quickly access them as you pack.

The Vertical Packing Method: A Safer Way to Pack Plates

Why vertical packing is the way to go

Vertical packing reduces the risk of breakage by distributing the weight more evenly and allowing the plates to withstand more pressure. This method is particularly beneficial for heavier items like glassware and casserole dishes.

Step-by-step guide to packing plates vertically

  1. Wrap each plate individually using either bubble wrap or packing paper.
  2. Place a cardboard divider between each wrapped plate for added protection.
  3. Stand the plates vertically in the box, starting with the heaviest items on the bottom and lighter items on top.
  4. Fill any empty spaces with crumpled paper, packing peanuts, or additional padding materials to prevent movement during transit.

Horizontal Packing: When to Use and How to Do It Safely

Understanding the horizontal packing method

Horizontal packing involves stacking plates on top of one another. While this method can save space, it is less secure than vertical packing and is generally not recommended for fragile items.

Tips for securely packing plates horizontally

If you choose to pack plates horizontally, follow these tips to minimize the risk of breakage:

  1. Wrap each plate individually and use cardboard dividers between each item.
  2. Stack plates according to size, with the largest plates at the bottom and the smaller ones on top.
  3. Limit the number of plates in each stack to reduce pressure on the bottom items.
  4. Fill any empty spaces in the box with cushioning materials to prevent movement.

Filling Empty Spaces: The Key to a Snug Fit

How to use packing peanuts and crumpled paper

Packing peanuts and crumpled paper are excellent materials for filling empty spaces in the box. They provide cushioning and prevent plates from shifting during transit. Fill the gaps between plates and the sides of the box, as well as any voids on top of the plates.

Ensuring plates are immobile during transit

Before sealing the box, gently shake it to ensure there is no movement. If you hear any rattling, add more cushioning materials to secure the plates in place.

Sealing the Moving Box: The Final Step

Proper taping techniques for a secure box

Apply multiple layers of packing tape to seal the top and bottom of the box. Reinforce the edges and corners with extra tape for added security.

Labeling the box for easy identification

Using a permanent marker, label the box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Write “Fragile” and “This Side Up” on all sides of the box to alert movers of the delicate items inside.

The Dos and Don’ts of Packing Plates

Common packing mistakes to avoid

  • Overpacking boxes, which can lead to breakage
  • Using low-quality or damaged moving boxes
  • Skipping the use of cushioning materials between plates
  • Failing to label boxes properly

Best practices to follow for a successful move

  • Use high-quality packing materials and tools
  • Wrap each plate individually for maximum protection
  • Reinforce moving boxes for added security
  • Label boxes clearly and accurately

Packing Specialty Plates and Dishware

Handling delicate or antique plates

For heirloom or antique plates, consider using acid-free tissue paper to prevent damage to delicate surfaces. Wrap each plate individually and use extra cushioning materials to provide ample protection during transit.

Strategies for packing unusually shaped dishware

Unconventional dishware, such as irregularly shaped platters or bowls, may require additional attention during packing. Adapt the wrapping techniques mentioned above to accommodate the unique shape, and use extra padding materials to ensure a snug fit in the box.

Hiring Professional Packers: When to Consider It

The benefits of hiring a packing service

Professional packers have the expertise and experience to handle delicate and fragile items, ensuring they arrive safely at your new home. Hiring a packing service can save you time and reduce the risk of damage to your belongings.

Determining if professional help is right for you

If you have a large number of fragile items, a tight schedule, or limited packing experience, it may be beneficial to consider hiring professional packers. Adios Moving LLC, located in Pompano Beach, FL, offers expert packing services to make your move as stress-free as possible.

Unpacking Plates at Your New Home

Organizing your unpacking process

Upon arrival at your new home, prioritize unpacking fragile items like plates to minimize the risk of accidental breakage. Start by unpacking the boxes labeled “Fragile” and carefully inspecting each plate for damage.

Tips for safely unwrapping and inspecting plates

When unwrapping plates, carefully remove the packing materials and inspect each item for cracks, chips, or other damage. Keep a record of any damaged items, as you may need this information for insurance purposes.

Repurposing Packing Supplies: Eco-Friendly Tips

Reusing packing materials for other purposes

Many packing materials can be repurposed for various household uses. Bubble wrap can be used as insulation for drafty windows, while packing paper makes excellent material for crafting or gift wrapping.

Recycling packing supplies responsibly

When disposing of packing supplies, be mindful of the environment. Recycle cardboard boxes, paper, and packing peanuts according to your local recycling guidelines.

How to File a Claim for Damaged Plates

Understanding moving insurance options

Before your move, research the moving insurance options provided by your moving company. Full-value protection insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged items, while released-value protection offers minimal coverage based on the item’s weight.

The process of filing a claim for damaged items

In the event of damage, follow your moving company’s claim process. This may involve providing documentation, such as photos and receipts, to support your claim.

Packing Plates for Storage: A Different Approach

How to pack plates for long-term storage

Packing plates for long-term storage requires additional consideration to protect them from environmental damage. Use acid-free tissue paper to wrap delicate plates, and seal boxes with moisture-resistant packing tape.

Protecting your plates from environmental damage

Choose a climate-controlled storage unit to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level, reducing the risk of damage to your plates.

Conclusion: Celebrating a Successful Move

Taking the time to appreciate your hard work

After successfully unpacking and inspecting your plates, take a moment to appreciate the effort you put into ensuring their safe arrival at your new home.

Enjoying your new home with your safely transported plates

Now that your plates have arrived intact, you can fully enjoy your new home and make lasting memories around the dinner table.


  1. Dumbo Moving + Storage (2021). Packing Dishes for Moving: A Complete Guide. Retrieved from
  2. (2021). How to Pack Dishes for Moving. Retrieved from
  3. The Spruce (2021). How to Pack Plates for Moving. Retrieved from
  4. U-Haul (2021). How to Pack Plates for Moving and Shipping. Retrieved from